Maura Golab is a 3D animator with a special interest in fantastical or animal movement. She has completed three short films at Rochester Institute of Technology, each with their own unique fantasy creature and over 95% self-created assets and scenes. Other projects include character modeling, retopology, basic rigging, and animation, as well as particle effects in Houdini, Unreal, and Arnold.
Non-Human Animations
These are my favorite every time, animal movements are so different and yet so fun. These were both completed for Animation III at RIT.
Credits: Advanced Skeleton
Checked Out
These clips are from my senior capstone film titled Checked Out. All modeling, rigging, texturing, and animation were done by myself! The film follows a girl who discovers a different version of herself. The full film is not yet available to the public.
Credits: Sunny rig from Animation Methods
Credits: Ray character rig by CGTarian Online School
Human Animation
Having been one of the first students at RIT to take the brand new Animation III class, this is one of my favorite assignments. The parkour movement test was incredibly fun and had many reference takes of myself trying the movements. Needless to say, I'll leave it to the professionals.
Credits: Mixamo
Credits: Rig from Truong CG Artist
Particle Effects
Unreal Engine 5 and Houdini have distinct differences in their workflow for sure, but I've gotten into both programs equally. Compositing the particle effects and whatever else is happening in the scene is where I shine. The first clip is done in Unreal similar to the game The Voidness, and the second clip is rain and magical particles on top of a bird animation of mine.